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IRS Audit & Appeals
If you have received that dreaded notice that you are being audited by the IRS or State authorities, with Karian & Associates, you will have experienced and seasoned representation that will get you the best possible result. Being audited doesn’t necessarily mean you owe additional tax, but the burden of proof is usually on the taxpayer and you don’t want to go it alone on this. We know your rights and we take every step necessary to protect them. We will go the extra mile to get you the best outcome. This may include appealing administratively, to the U.S. Tax Court or U.S. District Court.

Tax Litigation - Civil
Settling tax matters with the IRS or State before having to go to court is often the preferred route to take, but sometimes you are left with no choice but to litigate. We know when it is best to fight in court or to negotiate a settlement. The attorney’s at Karian and Associates, PLLC are prepared to take the course that will result in your best outcome. We are admitted to the U.S. Tax Court in all 50 states and U.S. District Court.
U.S. Tax Court – Most cases are heard in tax court before a judge that is
knowledgeable in Tax Law. This can be to your advantage in circumstances where the
IRS has taken a position that is contrary to settled tax law or your tax matter is complex. An important feature of the U.S. Tax Court is that you are not required to pay the tax before filing a suit.
U.S. District Court – Is before a judge who is not necessarily knowledgeable in Tax Law and can also be a jury trial. This can be an advantage in circumstances where your situation may garnish sympathy from your peers. In U.S. District Court the taxpayer must first pay the tax in dispute and then sue for a refund.
U.S. Bankruptcy Court – Under certain circumstances your tax debt can be discharged. Certain income taxes may be eliminated through bankruptcy. If it has become impossible to meet current financial obligations, bankruptcy can be an option for many businesses and individuals. It offers a chance to start over from a financial point of view, as most debts are forgiven after bankruptcy has been filed. Our bankruptcy attorneys can evaluate your situation, explain the difference between Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy, and help you decide what will be best for you. Karian and Associates, PLLC bankruptcy practice is exclusive to residents of the State of Michigan.
Payroll Tax
Whether it is your company or you personally, the IRS or State will come after you aggressively for payroll taxes that were not paid to the government. But you may not owe the tax, or you may owe significantly less than what they claim. The tax attorney’s at Karian and Associates will be in your corner working to prevent asset seizure and negotiating settlement terms that will allow your business to survive and for you to get on with your life.
Criminal Tax Defense
Tax evasion, tax fraud, failure to file a tax return or to collect employment taxes can all result in criminal charges. Often criminal tax investigations begin with a civil tax matter that can spiral into a criminal investigation. When handling your tax matters, we are always working to prevent you from being exposed to criminal prosecution. If you are under audit and there are allegations of substantial understatement of income or overstatements of deductions you need to speak to an attorney before proceeding. The accountant – client privilege does not extend to criminal matters. Your accountant could be forced to disclose or testify against you regarding conversations that you may have had thinking that they were confidential. The government cannot compel testimony that is protected by attorney client privilege. Contact us immediately if an IRS Special Agent has tried to contact you. We recommend that you do not answer any questions until you have spoken to an attorney.

Tax Liens, Levies and Wage Garnishments
The IRS or State have the power to seize your bank account, garnish your wages or even take your home. If the threat exists or they have already done so we will work to get the levies released, wage garnishments stopped and prevent any other asset seizures – as fast as possible. The IRS or State authorities usually resort to these tactics only when you ignore them. That is why it is so important to speak to a tax attorney at Karian & Associates, PLLC as soon as you receive a notice from the IRS or State taxing authority.

Offshore Accounts
If you have assets offshore, the government wants to know about it. In fact, not reporting their existence each year can result in enormous fines, heavy taxes and criminal charges. Perhaps you were unaware or maybe reporting their existence was unintentionally overlooked. Whatever your circumstances, we will get you caught up with all reporting requirements and determine if you can avoid any tax or penalty through the Streamlined Offshore Procedures or the Delinquent Filing Submission Procedures.
State and Local Tax
Many states and local municipalities have become more aggressive in their collection of taxes because of financial difficulties they are themselves experiencing. Whether it is Income Tax, Sales Tax, Use Tax, Unemployment Tax or other business taxes, the attorneys at Karian and Associates, PLLC can represent you in all fifty states and will provide competent representation towards the best resolution.
Certain income taxes may be eliminated through bankruptcy. If it has become impossible to meet current financial obligations, bankruptcy can be an option for many businesses and individuals. It offers a chance to start over from a financial point of view, as most debts are forgiven after bankruptcy has been filed. Our bankruptcy attorneys can evaluate your situation, explain the difference between Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy, and help you decide what will be best for you. Karian and Associates, PLLC bankruptcy practice is exclusive to residents of the State of Michigan.

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Call (248) 594 - 2263 for a free initial consultation with an experienced tax attorney today or complete our brief online form and we will contact you as soon as possible.